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Gay Health News Dec 24,2019

A Gay Man’s Nightmare: Weak Ejaculation

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For most gay men, a weak ejaculation can be a traumatic experience especially having been brainwashed by the excessive online gay porn that usually have subtle computer graphics (CG) and post-production effects in them. To some it increase their anxiety, makes them worried that they might be sick or having some issues or some major sickness coming. It affects their mental issues with feelings of shame, scared of not being able to perform well or being laughed at.

Typically, weak ejaculation refers to a reduction in the amount of semen a person ejaculates or a reduction in the force of the ejaculation. Doctors may also call weak ejaculation delayed or inhibited ejaculation.
Experiencing periodic weak ejaculation is rarely cause for concern. However, consistent changes to a person's ejaculation may warrant a visit to the doctor.
The main underlying cause of weak ejaculation may be physical or psychological. In some cases, both factors may be involved.
Gay Health News has specially written this article based on numerous emails sent to us and the article is based on sources of information extracted from various recognized sources and clinical studies.
A weak ejaculation occurs when a person has both the sexual stimulation and desire to ejaculate but experiences either or both of the following symptoms:
-reduced force of ejaculation
-reduced amount of semen
Sometimes, weak ejaculation may also result in a person experiencing less intense orgasms. This experience is more likely to be the case as an individual becomes older.
The International Society for Sexual Medicine, states that the average semen volume per ejaculate ranges from 1.25 to 5 milliliters (ml). This amount is the equivalent of one-quarter to 1 teaspoon of semen.
It’s critical to note that semen volumes can vary from one time to another. A person who has not ejaculated for several days is likely to ejaculate more semen than someone who ejaculated more recently.
Some males release small amounts of ejaculate despite having typical sperm counts.
In a 2016 review, ejaculation volumes of less than 2 ml on two separate occasions may signal an underlying medical disorder.

Physicians have identified many different factors that may affect ejaculation. Examples include the following:
A male ejaculation may decrease in force and volume as he ages. Doctors often attribute this to lower levels of male sex hormones.
Consuming alcohol may decrease blood flow to the penis and depress the central nervous system. These knock on effects will result in reduced sexual excitement.
Psychological factors
Some like the following psychological factors can all affect someone's ability to ejaculate when they compare it to how they did so previously:
-a past history of depression
-shifting or changes in attraction to a partner
-previous psychological trauma
Nerve damage
Physical damage to the nerves in the spinal cord, bladder, or other areas that affect ejaculation can impact semen flow.
Men with diabetes may be especially prone to nerve damage induced ejaculation issues.
At times, nerve damage leads to retrograde ejaculation. This condition is where some or all of the ejaculate goes back into the bladder instead of exiting the penis.
Prostate conditions
An enlarged prostate or prostate cancer can both affect ejaculation. Additionally, individuals who have had prostate surgery may experience changes in ejaculation due to nerve damage from the surgery.
Sexual factors
The physical position a person adopts when they are engaging in sex, and a short period of sexual stimulation may affect the intensity of their orgasm. In turn, these factors can affect their ejaculation.
Some medications can also cause weak or delayed ejaculation. Examples include:
-antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
-beta-blockers and other drugs for treating high blood pressure
-muscle relaxants
-powerful analgesics, such as methadone for heroin addiction
gay man who is concerned that his medication may be causing ejaculation problems should talk to a doctor. Individuals must not stop taking prescription medications without their doctor's consent.
The prescribed treatments to help relieve weak ejaculation depend upon the underlying cause. Some potential therapies are as follows:
Pelvic muscle exercises
Sometimes, doctors may recommend performing Kegel exercises or some other form of pelvic muscle exercise. These exercises help to strengthen the muscles that control ejaculation. They may be particularly beneficial for anyone whose ejaculation issues are the result of natural aging.
Typically, Kegel exercises involve tightening and releasing the pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles people can feel if they stop their urine flow midstream.
For males, they should contract the muscles for 5 seconds at a time, then release the contraction. Repeating this process 10 to 20 times completes one set of exercises. Males should aim to perform three or four sets per day.
There are currently no Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved medications to treat weak ejaculation. However, doctors may prescribe several different drugs to enhance sexual function.
The type of medicine a doctor prescribes will depend on the underlying cause of weak ejaculation.
Some examples include:
A physician may ask a person about any psychological factors that could be affecting their sexual function.
Sometimes the doctor may make a referral for the individual to see a therapist or psychiatrist, including psychiatrists who may specialize in sexual medicine.
When To See A Physician
Weak ejaculation is rarely a medical emergency. However, it can be very concerning for gay men experiencing it regularly.
If a person has consistent episodes of weak ejaculation for 6 months, they should talk to his doctor who can help them to identify the underlying cause.
Parting Words From Gay Health News
Weak ejaculation is a complicated condition with many potential underlying causes.
There are currently no FDA-approved medicines for weak ejaculation. As a result, gay men may have to try several different therapies or approaches to enhance their sexual function.
Gay men who notice continued changes in their ejaculation should talk to their doctor. In some cases, weak ejaculation can reduce fertility or may indicate an underlying health condition.